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Help with Front Yard Bed Design

7 years ago

Hi everyone,
First time poster here. Just bought a house in NW Florida and want to start some work on the front yard. Right now its and sandy, weedy mess. I'm working on getting an irrigation system installed but I wanted to get a plan for the planting beds outlined so I'm not watering grass that will be beds in a year.

With sprinkler design as well as general aesthetics in mind, I am looking for some guidance to plan the bed shapes for the front. The area is about 2000 sqft, and as you can see, has the utilities along the left side of the lot line.

Here are 3 images of the front lawn per standard request. None of the current plants will remain in their current locations.

Here is a to-scale drawing of the lawn. 1 sq = 1 ft.

I am stuck in a rut and need a pair (or several pair) of outside eyes. The majority of my designs include something similar to the following image.

There are a number of things I like with my rough design: the bed around the utilities will provide opportunity to hide a majority of that from the eye. Also, the bed by the fence means I don't have to struggle to water that area and secondarily, allows me to hide the fence with pretty shrubs or grasses. I like the finger aspect of each bed as it would allow me to add a feature palm or grouping next year. However, I'm not sure it will work for irrigation and unsure how it will look visually.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback and recommendations!

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