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6 years ago

Too many good ones born on this day so I chose some and gave a bit of each. There is more from each one and more good ones that I skiped or did not get to.

George Bernard Shaw Quotes
Irish - Dramatist July 26, 1856 - November 2, 1950

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shaw

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
George Bernard Shaw

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.
George Bernard Shaw

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
George Bernard Shaw

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
George Bernard Shaw

There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.
George Bernard Shaw

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
George Bernard Shaw

A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
George Bernard Shaw

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.
George Bernard Shaw

Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.
George Bernard Shaw

Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get.
George Bernard Shaw

You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'
George Bernard Shaw

Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can't sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can't sleep with the window open.
George Bernard Shaw

If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.
George Bernard Shaw

Carl Jung Quotes
Swiss - Psychologist July 26, 1875 - June 6, 1961

The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
Carl Jung

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
Carl Jung

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
Carl Jung

Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.
Carl Jung

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
Carl Jung

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.
Carl Jung

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Carl Jung

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Carl Jung

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung

We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.
Carl Jung

Andre Maurois Quotes
French - Writer July 26, 1885 - October 9, 1967

A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.
Andre Maurois
A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.
Andre Maurois

Memory is a great artist. For every man and for every woman it makes the recollection of his or her life a work of art and an unfaithful record.
Andre Maurois

Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence and more than any other one thing a smile reassures them.
Andre Maurois

Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words: I do not know.
Andre Maurois

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.
Andre Maurois

Old age is far more than white hair, wrinkles, the feeling that it is too late and the game finished, that the stage belongs to the rising generations. The true evil is not the weakening of the body, but the indifference of the soul.
Andre Maurois

Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form.
Andre Maurois

Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.
Andre Maurois

People are what you make them. A scornful look turns into a complete fool a man of average intelligence. A contemptuous indifference turns into an enemy a woman who, well treated, might have been an angel.
Andre Maurois

Business is a combination of war and sport.
Andre Maurois

We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.
Andre Maurois

Aldous Huxley Quotes
English - Novelist July 26, 1894 - November 22, 1963

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.
Aldous Huxley

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.
Aldous Huxley

Maybe this world is another planet's hell.
Aldous Huxley

To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
Aldous Huxley

The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.
Aldous Huxley

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
Aldous Huxley

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.
Aldous Huxley

Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.
Aldous Huxley

The most valuable of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it has to be done, whether you like it or not.
Aldous Huxley

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Aldous Huxley

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.
Aldous Huxley

Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

You should hurry up and acquire the cigar habit. It's one of the major happinesses. And so much more lasting than love, so much less costly in emotional wear and tear.
Aldous Huxley

Experience teaches only the teachable.
Aldous Huxley

One of the great attractions of patriotism - it fulfills our worst wishes. In the person of our nation we are able, vicariously, to bully and cheat. Bully and cheat, what's more, with a feeling that we are profoundly virtuous.
Aldous Huxley

Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are dead.
Aldous Huxley

Your true traveller finds boredom rather agreeable than painful. It is the symbol of his liberty - his excessive freedom. He accepts his boredom, when it comes, not merely philosophically, but almost with pleasure.
Aldous Huxley

The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.
Aldous Huxley

Speed provides the one genuinely modern pleasure.
Aldous Huxley

Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.
Aldous Huxley

There's only one effectively redemptive sacrifice, the sacrifice of self-will to make room for the knowledge of God.
Aldous Huxley

The impulse to cruelty is, in many people, almost as violent as the impulse to sexual love - almost as violent and much more mischievous.
Aldous Huxley

A democracy which makes or even effectively prepares for modern, scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic. No country can be really well prepared for modern war unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient bureaucracy.
Aldous Huxley

Robert Graves Quotes
Irish - Novelist July 26, 1895 - December 7, 1985

One gets to the heart of the matter by a series of experiences in the same pattern, but in different colors.
Robert Graves

Genius not only diagnoses the situation but supplies the answers.
Robert Graves

Marriage, like money, is still with us; and, like money, progressively devalued.
Robert Graves

If there's no money in poetry, neither is there poetry in money.
Robert Graves

Never use the word 'audience.' The very idea of a public, unless the poet is writing for money, seems wrong to me. Poets don't have an 'audience'. They're talking to a single person all the time.
Robert Graves

The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
Robert Graves

If I were a girl, I'd despair. The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them.
Robert Graves

To be a poet is a condition rather than a profession.
Robert Graves

A well chosen anthology is a complete dispensary of medicine for the more common mental disorders, and may be used as much for prevention as cure.
Robert Graves

There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either.
Robert Graves

Prose books are the show dogs I breed and sell to support my cat.
Robert Graves

A remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
Robert Graves

What we now call 'finance' is, I hold, an intellectual perversion of what began as warm human love.
Robert Graves

In love as in sport, the amateur status must be strictly maintained.
Robert Graves

Anthropologists are a connecting link between poets and scientists; though their field-work among primitive peoples has often made them forget the language of science.
Robert Graves

James Lovelock Quotes
English - Scientist Born: July 26, 1919

Let's make hay while it lasts.
James Lovelock

If a power station were to be built down the road, I'd prefer a nuclear plant over an oil burner, and definitely over a coal burner. We simply have to lessen our consumption of fossil fuels.
James Lovelock

Sadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest.
James Lovelock

The tropical rain forests are a telling example. Once cut down, they rarely recover. Rainfall drops, deserts spread, the climate warms.
James Lovelock

So-called 'sustainable development'... is meaningless drivel.
James Lovelock

For each of our actions there are only consequences.
James Lovelock

You never know with politicians what they are really saying. And I don't say that in a negative way-they have an appalling job.
James Lovelock

We'd never have got a chance to go outside and look at the earth if it hadn't been for space exploration and NASA.
James Lovelock

This programme to stop nuclear by 2020 is just crazy. If there were a nuclear war, and humanity were wiped out, the Earth would breathe a sigh of relief.
James Lovelock

There is little evidence that our individual intelligence has improved through recorded history.
James Lovelock

There aren't just bad people that commit genocide; we are all capable of it. It's our evolutionary history.
James Lovelock

One pound of uranium is worth about 3 million pounds worth of coal or oil.
James Lovelock

Nature favors those organisms which leave the environment in better shape for their progeny to survive.
James Lovelock

Stanley Kubrick Quotes
American - Director July 26, 1928 - March 7, 1999

A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.
Stanley Kubrick

I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker.
Stanley Kubrick

If you can talk brilliantly about a problem, it can create the consoling illusion that it has been mastered.
Stanley Kubrick

You're an idealist, and I pity you as I would the village idiot.
Stanley Kubrick

Art consists of reshaping life, but it does not create life nor cause life.
Stanley Kubrick

When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.
Stanley Kubrick

There are few things more fundamentally encouraging and stimulating than seeing someone else die.
Stanley Kubrick

The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.
Stanley Kubrick

Writing, of course, is writing, acting comes from the theater, and cinematography comes from photography. Editing is unique to film. You can see something from different points of view almost simultaneously, and it creates a new experience.
Stanley Kubrick

It's a mistake to confuse pity with love.
Stanley Kubrick

If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.
Stanley Kubrick

Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but the best thing that young filmmakers should do is to get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all.
Stanley Kubrick

I read. I order books from the States. I literally go into bookstores, close my eyes, and take things off the shelf. If I don't like the book after a bit, I don't finish it. But I like to be surprised.
Stanley Kubrick

The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.
Stanley Kubrick

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