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Winter blues :( What's up with with some of my hoyas?

6 years ago

A few of my hoyas are not doing brilliantly right now and I'm not sure if it's the same problem for all of them or am I dealing with several different issues.

Some of them have their new leaves turn yellow and drop off. (Bella, Ds-70, fungii and lacunosa.) I have no idea why these plants feel the need to actually grow new leaves in the middle of Winter, but that's their decision so who am I to judge? However, Minibelle, pubicalyx and kerrii are also growing new leaves and theirs are fine. They have thicker bigger leaves, don't know if that means anything but it feels like it should..

Others have a couple of leaves turning dry and shriveled and papery, starting at the tip then spreading down the leaf. ( Acuta, erythrina, heuschkeliana.)

I may have missed a couple but you get the idea. I'm not sure if it's under watering or because it's very dry with a lack of humidity. It's a bad Winter this year, very cold and wet. Most of the hoyas are indoors and it's only the indoor ones showing problems. Because it's so cold and wet I'm not watering them very much, maybe every week to 10 days for the thirsty ones, and longer for the more succulent plants. But we have the heaters going a great deal as well and it's drying the air out inside.

I'm not sure if it's not watering enough, lack of humidity, cold? Or even all of these things. Part of the problem is a combination of new house with less window space and having to learn what plant likes what where, and one of the colder wetter Winters we have had for decades :(

I've started to mist them all a bit more and I want to up the watering but I'm worried that might kill them if it's not lack of water that's the problem...

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