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Trouble in River City

Some of the strongest storms (and rain) I have ever experienced went through our town Wednesday evening. It especially was bad on the north side of town (where we live). We were coming home from dinner and I wasn't sure if we would make it. Every road we turned on had either trees blocking it, power lines down, or power poles down leaning at a 45 degree angle over the road. When we got home we found one pine tree was snapped off and the mulberry tree was split and practically uprooted. Luckily nothing hit any of the cars or the house or garage, but the pine tree did land on a daylily bed. Yes, there are daylilies under that tree, some of which had pods on them.

We still don't have the tree moved so we can see how much damage was done. I am afraid the tree fell on two of our new Bob Faulkner intros and one of my best seed setters, Horsing Around.

Here is the mulberry tree. It is the variety called Illinois Everbearing. If we have enough rain, it will bear fruit all summer. Not so this year. We are afraid that the plum tree is broken underneath it, but we won't be sure until we clear away some of the branches. This tree can wait until we clear the pine tree from the daylilies.

The power was out for over 24 hours. We are not sure how long because we spent Thursday night in a motel--too hot in the house. (The power came on some time in the night. We have friends still without power.) It didn't do any good to open the windows because the outside air was so warm and humid, it was just stifling.

To make matters worse, the basement flooded because the power was out and the sump pump couldn't operate. I guess it's time to buy that generator (we have been saying that for years).

We are ok and things are getting back to normal. The picture taking and pollinations and taken a back seat to clean up. Bob and I will pollinate some of the late bloomers tomorrow and maybe get a few pictures.


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