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July Landscape & Garden Tips from the Pros

We are just one month into the three month summer season that we'd all like to fast forward, and if you have been keeping up with our blog, we're sure your landscape is looking like the best in the neighborhood. If you haven't been keeping up with our regular monthly landscape and garden tips, now is a great time to read up on what our experts recommend for a fantastic looking landscape all summer long.

If the material in your landscape is starting to show heat stress, do not panic! We are here to help you. Below, our nursery pros have covered some important areas for you when if comes to summer tree care. If you have any further questions, you are more than welcome to give us a call or you can visit any of our nursery locations.

To Do List:

  • Watering: You want to water early in the morning sometime between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. as this reduces the evaporation loss and always want to deep water which is a slow application of water over a period of time. This allows the entire root zone to become saturated. The amount of water you apply depends on the tree or shrub you are watering. With trees, you will want to wet the soil at least 3 feet deep and with shrubs at least 1 foot deep. Use a soil probe to determine the depth of watering. Now, this is a quick overview on summer watering and for a more in depth look and for answers on common questions like "how much water do I use" and "how often do I water" are answered here in our Best Watering Practices.
  • Fertilize: The summer sun is relentless, and if something in your landscape isn't receiving summer shade relief it will suffer. You can give the material on your landscape a helping hand with our highly developed specialized blends of fertilizer designed to trigger growth responses and supplement the essential micro and macro nutrients that plants need to thrive in our region. We have fertilizers that can help with trees, palms, and shrubs recover from any heat stress. These can be purchased at all Moon Valley Nursery locations or online.
  • Protect The Trunk Of Your Trees: Trees, just like us, can also get sunburn. However, the bottle of sunscreen isn't going to be enough. Young trees, especially citrus, need protection from the sun when temperatures increase. You can protect the trunk of a new tree from sunburn with Protective Tree Wrap. Available at any Moon Valley Nursery location. To further protect your tree, young or old, you can stake them. This provides stability when high winds or monsoon comes in. Moon Valley Nursery also offers staking services as well. Click here to map a location near you.
  • Mulch: A super easy way to keep the soil moist all summer long is to apply mulch around the base of the tree. Adding a few inches of mulch can help keep your soil cool during the warmer summer months and warm during the cooler days. Mulch is available at any Moon Valley Nurseries location.

