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What color should my trim be?

7 years ago

I'm nearing the end of a remodel and realized I have not really thought through what to do about baseboards and casings and am now in a dilemma.

  • I am having light maple hardwood installed, and the hardwood guys included maple baseboards in their bid
  • The interior doors are all white, but still need casings
  • The exterior doors (there are two) are a more golden oak tone
  • Some of the window casings needs to be replaced, but there are window sills and panels between windows which I did not remove that are painted white.

I hadn't really thought about what to do for door and window casings, and now I have a few sub-optimal options:

A. White window and door casings, maple baseboards

  • Door casings (white) will not match the baseboards (light maple)
  • Casing (white) will also not match the exterior door (golden oak)

B. (Almost) everything white. White casings and paint the baseboards white.

  • Either paint the front door white on the inside or keep it wood
  • It seems like a waste to paint the maple white (since I could have gotten the same effect much cheaper with MDF)

C. Maple baseboard and door casing

  • The door casings (maple) will mismatch the interior doors (white) and exterior doors (golden oak)
  • The door casings and baseboard (maple) will mismatch the windows (white)
  • $

D. Maple trim everywhere (doors, windows, baseboards)

  • Lots of either money or time to remove and replace trim on windows in main room
  • Trim will mismatch interior doors (white) and exterior door (golden oak)
  • $$$

E. Maple (or similar) everything

  • Remove and replace window trim
  • Replace (brand new) white doors
  • $$$

I strongly lean towards B, though I am thoroughly annoyed that I did not catch this sooner and will now be stuck paying for nice baseboards I will just cover up. But I think every other option will look totally disjointed and unfinished.

My partner thinks that anything real wood will look good no matter what, but I thoroughly disagree. There aren't many photos with non-matching trim (I think for good reason) and the few I have found I think do not look good. I could use some advice (or reassurance) here.

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