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Fertilyzer/plant food choice.

Jeff Zenner
6 years ago

I have just spent about an hour here researching what many AV enthusiasts are using for plant food. I was left to deduct that there is no consensus as to which one is the best.

Here's what I learned. Urea is bad, or not, depending on temperature ranges in the growing area.

The three numbers should be balanced, i.e. 10 10 10, 20 20 20, etc. Great, except that the lions share of commercially prepared AV plant food is NOT balanced. To make matters even worse, many of the growers who's opinion I respect don't use a balanced mixture either.

Miracle Gro plant food is bad. Contains some bad things for AV's. Hmmm. Quite a number of folks here and elsewhere that claim Miracle Gro is their go-to AV plant food.

I have used Espoma Organic 1-3-1 AV food ever since I started growing AV's. But, that choice was made largely because that was the only plant food at Home Depot that was made for AV's. Since it worked well for me, I never changed. Since I changed over to wick watering, the water soluble, organic aspects of the Espoma seemed to continue to work.

My plants look nice, no problems but since my last bottle of Espoma is about empty, I thought about changing it up a little.

I know, I know, if it's not broke, don't fix it. But, aren't most gardener types tinkerers of a sort? At any rate, if you have been doing this a while and like what you use, would you mind sharing that info w me?

I have had Optimara, Schultz, Miracle Gro (Espoma Organic) and several others recommended to me by employees at various nurseries.

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