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Bummed-emerald ash borers are killing my shade trees

Previous owners planted two green ash trees in the 60's or 70's and there's one ancient white ash that is the main tree in the front yard keeping the south sun effect manageable. There's a young white ash I planted in another area before the hoopla about the ash borer came to light. What I like about ash trees is the filtered shade they cast, the fact that there is no raking of leaves as they just "dissolve" or blow away, they aren't messy and the white ash has a nice purplish fall color. One of the green ash trees is tolerant of the occasional flooding we get in that part of the lower and serves as a sort of wind break to the west. I have perennial gardens planted adjacent to two of these ash trees which do very well without root competition intruding, the amount of sun let in and they don't heave the sidewalks. Plus, they have high limbs, handle wind well and cast a pleasant shade to sit under. So, I'm a fan and devastated that the borers are killing them. The local Ag Entomologist hung traps to see if we had any a couple years ago and apparently the borers were not in evidence then.

So, what do do? This is a pretty large country property with an historic house and ash trees would be a natural fit. I don't want to plant something that isn't going to have a long life and will start a downward slide yet I also don't want to plant trouble with lots of maintenance (sprouting seeds everywhere). Yet I'm 60 years old and want to see some shade in my lifetime here!

What on earth can I plant that fits the criteria that these ash trees have nobly filled for years?

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