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Batch of recent blooms

Just sharing a few more photos from
last week or so...

Jenny Duval

I like this old Gallica hybrid when she
produces full petalled flowers like this, but she only does it every
other year or so.


Another Gallica hybrid but a much newer
one (introduced in 2014). Planted last spring and died back quite a
lot in it's first winter so there are only a few flower buds. This is
the first one to open. Good old rose fragrance.


A reliable bloomer.

Yasnaja Poliana

Russian hybrid tea from 1958. Usually
more salmon in colour when opening (this rose is in my avatar). Great

Clara's Choice

This rose produces beautifully formed
flowers. Fine lily of the valley-like fragrance when the flower is
young but it fades quickly as it ages. Mildew susceptible.

Jef l'Artiste

A striking rose with very variable

Crédit Mutuel

Colour, shape and fragrance of the
flowers makes this a keeper for me, despite serious health issues
this year.

Julie Andrieu

New rose for me and one of the latest
introductions from Delbard. A short climber which they claim have
”everything”. So far, my plant isn't growing very well though and
it has some leaf issues. First flower shows some signs of proliferation. Hopefully it will get better, I have a soft spot for stripes.


This rose has wonderful fruity,
raspberry fragrance and good health.

Lavender Ice

I wish this rose was fragrant.

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