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I think they're telling me something... they want their own post;)

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

The last weekend of May I found a nymph Praying Mantis on top of my car. It's amazing I spotted him tbh. If you've never seen them at this stage, they are sooo small. Maybe 1/2-3/4 of an inch and very thin. One word comes to mind to describe them at this stage and that's wispy:). I moved him off my car onto my jade plant. He must have not liked it in there. Don't blame him it's like a jungle. That's when I spotted him on my snail eatin Delospema. Then a week later on my Gerbera Daisy. He has stayed on the daisy. Here's a little info on them. I've read so much about them. Thought I'd share:).

The female lays an ootheca on a leaf or twig in the fall. She will lay one fertile or not. She will die soon after:(. The fertile ootheca has between 100-400 eggs. The material that is the ootheca is like a foam. Which protects the eggs during the winter and from predators. If I was a bird this would not be a meal I would want. Think unsalted pork rinds. Yuck!

Once spring comes and the temperatures heat up little tiny nymphs wiggle their way out. I'm sure you've heard one of their first meals was probably their brother or sister. Yes this is true. It's an easy meal;).

The nymphs will look for a safe place that is hidden from spiders and birds. Along with a nice food source. When they're young they eat little gnats and bugs that are smaller than they are. This is when they get their hunting skills down. They have to be selective during this time because most things could make them a meal at this stage. These insects are the most incredible hunters. They're ambush hunters. Praying Mantis will sit and wait and wait and wait for a meal. Perfectly hidden under a leaf on the side of a stem, and the BAM they grab and eat. I've read they eat the neck or head first. Makes sense. Once Praying Mantis are older they eat lots of other insects. They can even eat hummingbirds or lizards. Turnabouts fair play;). I've read one of they're favorite meals are honey bees:(. Not good, but bees are probably sweet and fatty. Like the equivalent of a Twinkie in the insect world I'm sure;).

They get their name Praying Mantis for one obvious reason. Those two front legs that they keep bent like they're praying. These legs are a total advantage most insects don't have "arms". Their alien head is an advantage too. They have two huge compound eyes, and their head is attached to a joint that allows them to move 180 degrees. I've read no other insect has this ability. When I'm outside looking for my friends, yes I said friends, they spot me way before I spot them. I think where are you, then I find them looking at me. It's like my friends look at me straight in the eyes. Once they're adults they develop one ear that is located under their chest.

Praying Mantis molt 6-9 times in their life. This is cool to watch I caught one of my friends doing this the other night. They hang upside down and move side to side, up and down, and eventually they wiggle their way out. If they fall during this molting period they could get stuck and die:(. Sometimes they will mess a leg up while molting. Usually by the next molt the leg is fixed:). In adulthood they will develop wings. Not all species can fly. Females don't fly the males do. I've read people finding Mantids on their outside lights at night. They're usually getting food or looking for a mate.

So now it's fall and it's time to do what we are all intended to do, and that's procreate. I don't need to go into details. They don't do anything special. But the female may decapitate the male when they're done. This doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it definitely does. I'm under the impression she doesn't eat him, but just rips off his head. Probably because he won't get off her back;).

After she mates she will attach the ootheca to like I said twigs or leaves. I've seen pics of one attached to a car antenna;). She soon dies after.

So the cycle continues:).

Here are my friends. I really need a camera!

This is the one I found first on my car. He's about 1/2 an inch here.

June 12

June 16 he had molted a couple days before this pic was taken:).

June 22:) totally getting bigger:).


Found another amigo last weekend when I was watering. I tried to keep him as pet in a little terrarium for a couple days. I let him go I felt too bad:(. This one is the best hider. I can find him only once a day. I think he see's me and hides tbh;). He's like oh no not her! This one is a little behind in size than the one above.

June 22

This Praying Mantis is the one I found molting a couple nights ago. Here's his old outfit;).

Then today I was dead heading and found this guy. He is much bigger than the two above. He's close to two inches long:).

I will keep this post updated with any new news/growth on my new summer friends:).

There are some really cool beautiful Mantids out there. There are over 2,400 species. Most live in tropical climates. Imagine how those look:)? Here's a little Video I like.

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