I think they're telling me something... they want their own post;)
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago
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Discounted plants: how do I tell if they're salvagable?
Comments (13)Half my garden is made up of markdowns! Probably more than half. I never buy something that is all dead on top, though. Like , you get a feel for things. Just accept the fact that some won�t make it. The nursery bed is a great idea. Gives them a chance to at least get out of being rootbound. I have one, it's my former vegetable garden, which is now too shady for tomatoes. Still gets too much sun for an ideal nursery, though. If I run out of time in the fall, though, that's where things go. I drove through Dubuque yesterday, back to Chicago. There is a gigantic Menard's there where I always stop for a rest break (yeah, right...). They have the biggest big box nursery I've ever seen. Completely different selection than in my area. So of course, some marked down perennials came home with me. Missing tags, out of bloom: who cares? I scored 3 Bridal Veil astilbe (that did have tags), an unknown white/pale pink Gaura, Minarrete Lupine, Powis Castle Artemisia, and my real prize, a white balloon flower. All beat up, past blooming, or dry, but healthy enough to take a risk on. Not buggy or diseased. I have no idea where these guys are going. To me, the thrill of a deal is worth it....See Morei think they're dead.
Comments (15)As expected, you all were right and I was very, very wrong. The two Asao each have six - count 'em, SIX! - stems coming up, all with buds at the tips. Each are a good 3" or so tall already! Dr. Ruppel and Viticella Vinosa each only have one stem, but I'm hoping more come up. Inspiration is the big surprise. It has 3 stems coming up, and one of them has a bud already! Thanks for everyone's patient replies at my stupidity and eagerness. Part of me kind of wishes one of my Asao or Palette HAD croaked... I have 3 Palette and 2 Asao, and if one of them croaked I'd have a reason to buy something else!...See More1914 Garden plans (Warning, they're posted in a large format )
Comments (13)If we're lucky I may be your neighbor duluthinbloomz4 :) We really do love the place, but it needs some bucks put into it to be worth what she'd like for it unfortunately. We had great hope to raise our son and future child there and still do if it's priced fairly. I guess we'll see. There are good quality private schools in Duluth, and we'd probably go that route. We met with the golf club (a fabulous course) and absolutely loved it. I hear that the gardens at French house are currently quite lovely (I understand that the current owner is devoted to them) but not original. While DH's idea of wanting to see them restored is quite wonderful (he's learned so much about that houses history and features he probably knows more than the owner LOL) he really dosen't realize the unbelievable amount of work that would be required to complete that awesome task. I think it would actually be two or three life's work heh heh but wow would it be wonderful when complete ;) I only have those pictures unless we buy the house. I believe that when printed out I could see the LA's name...so let me see if I can do that again. As to a plant list...I'll try that after I get a food list done for another poster with a stuborn baby LOL...See MoreWhen I say 'All Drawers,' they're chuckling at me????
Comments (37)Rainidame, as you probably realized, you can use that system on both lower and upper cabinets. You can also use it on bookshelves as well. OK, now that you have things figgered out, lemme throw another idea at you. Have you ever considered making lower cabinets that are 32" deep rather than the standard 24"? What you do is build the lower carcasses 24" deep, but mount them 8" away from the wall. Then you make your drawers and pullout drawers 30" or 31" deep. You can still use 24" drawer slides, but mounted at the front of the pullout. Your countertops would be a standard 26" deep. The space between the back on the counter and the wall could be shelves, cubby holes, swingout units  all 8" deep. You could even store staples or appliances like a toaster, mixer, blender, etc. I realize you are somewhat short of stature, but, if you can reach the backsplash, you can reach items stored in this extended area. As and added benefit, your upper cabinets could extend depth of your upper cabinets by as much as 8". Of course, you have to have a kitchen big enough to accommodate the additional depth....See MoreRelated Professionals
Summit Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers · Elmhurst Landscape Contractors · New Berlin Landscape Contractors · Ponte Vedra Beach Landscape Contractors · Soddy Daisy Landscape Contractors · Waipahu Landscape Contractors · Alamo General Contractors · Delhi General Contractors · Dover General Contractors · Henderson General Contractors · Mashpee General Contractors · Rancho Santa Margarita General Contractors · Ravenna General Contractors · Wolf Trap General Contractors · Statesville Decks, Patios & Outdoor Enclosures- 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
- 7 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked SoCal Stewart (San Diego, Ca Zone 10A/10B)
- 7 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked SoCal Stewart (San Diego, Ca Zone 10A/10B)
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked SoCal Stewart (San Diego, Ca Zone 10A/10B)
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 6 years agolast modified: 6 years ago
- 6 years ago
- 6 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked Helen Agius (Adelaide,Sth Aus) USDA Z10b
- 6 years agolast modified: 6 years ago
- 6 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked stanofh 10a Hayward,Ca S.F. bay area
- 6 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked westes Zone 9b California SF Bay
- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years ago
- 5 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked stanofh 10a Hayward,Ca S.F. bay area
- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years ago
- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked cactusmcharris, interior BC Z4/5
- 5 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked stanofh 10a Hayward,Ca S.F. bay area
- 5 years ago
- 5 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked cactusmcharris, interior BC Z4/5
- 5 years agoKara 9b SF Bay Area CA thanked SoCal Stewart (San Diego, Ca Zone 10A/10B)
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