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Mini Sinningia in Bloom

A few of my mini Sinningia. They are 'Ozark Jumbo Sundae' that bloomed recently,

HCY's Aeries showing off the first double purple flower for me now with more buds coming along.

Then we have 'Los Angels' x 'Al Wojack' hybrid which threw a nice surprise - a big pink flower that I rather like.

Then we have 'Stones Yulia' with smaller but very profuse, simple two tone pink and white flowers.

And another flower opening up on 'Jacob' - which doesn't keep its flowers long for me but they are beautiful with the big spots. This photo is from a few weeks ago but it's in bloom again.

And Gabriel's Horn (not a mini) is blooming again as well with many flowers. It is a heavy and regular bloomer that is also easy to propagate.

This is an older photo of it but it's in bloom again, as well as two of the divisions I made from it, along with several babies.

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