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Climbing hydrangeas wilting

7 years ago

I mail ordered 2 climbing hydrangeas and they arrived looking less than stellar, but that was to be expected. One of them planted fine and no issues yet. I planted them on a Thursday. Made sure they were well watered. One of them began wilting the very next day. I watered them again on Sunday. Still wilted. Local nursery told me they needed a lot of water, so against better judgement I watered again on Monday. Tuesday, it's still wilted. It gets no wind and dapple sun and shade. I'd say it gets steady sun (not direct sun) for 2 hours, maybe 3. I'm still waiting on word from the nursery I bought them from. I made sure the hole I dug for them were a nice big size. It's slightly mulched, as I'm still working on the rest of the garden. The picture attached was taken today. The first pic was from this morning and the second was just a few hours later. Is this transplant shock? Too much water/no water? Is it salvageable?

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