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Long time lurker; first time poster - getting started with our land

7 years ago

This forum has already been life changing for me. My husband and I recently bought 58 acres in Oklahoma and I've been scanning floor plans like crazy but pretty much dislike them all. (I mean, they are fine, but don't work well for how we live). Virgil's suggestion of bubble diagrams has been HUGE and I'll start a thread within a couple of weeks with my attempt at that. So THANK YOU to all of you.

So here's the first place I need input. We are planning on doing this build in phases, first having a barn/garage with apartment built (and having driveway and utilities run at that time) and then living there for a couple of years while the house is designed and built. That means we'd be across the country (we currently live on the east coast) for the barn and infrastructure build but local for the house build. Not ideal. Another thought we've had is to pay cash for the utilities and driveway and put in a pad and live in my parents' RV on the land the garage is built (this land is RURAL so zoning is not a problem....they don't even have building permits), though RV living even for a year is not ideal in tornado country.

Do we can ahead and find our eventual builder to help us with the utilities and driveway or would that be premature and just something we should contract with various companies ourselves? I want to get the positioning right for an eventual house of 3,500-4,000 square feet so I can't imagine doing those things without know the approximate house and barn layout. But I'm also a compulsive planner so maybe I'm overthinking things. I mean, how much can they mess up a gravel driveway and then laying utilities along it? (maybe a lot)

Further notes...rural water and electricity are available at the road. Aerobic septic system will need to be installed. Gravel driveway would probably be just short of a quarter mile long. There is an underground pipeline to deal with (very common in Oklahoma).

I guess I'm just asking for general feedback/thoughts from the collective wisdom here. We are new to custom building so open to learning.

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