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How do you keep sane during the winter?

This year in an effort to keep myself from going crazy during the winter I went around buying up discounted plants with scented leaves at the nurseries so I can have something to keep me going during the dark cold months ahead. I picked up lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla), Munstead lavender, and a scented geranium (Pelargonium 'Angels Perfume'). They're all small plants growing in the sunny kitchen window.

I also have several small pots of discounted freesia bulbs just starting to sprout and last night I dug up two tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) that have bloom spikes growing in the dim light of the basement. They were growing in a huge pot that I crowded with too many bulbs. They're flopping all over the place so I'll have to stake the bloom spikes and hope for the best. I figured if they're going to bloom in the basement I might as well try them upstairs in a small pot where I can enjoy the scent. I'm also considering starting some Matthiola longipetala seeds in small pots that I can grow next to the cold windows to see if I can grow them inside for scent during the winter.

What ideas do you have for scent during the winter?

Wish my Hoya 'Pink Silver' would hurry up and bloom. :)


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