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My Winter Fun Garden Diaries.

Obviously, where I am cannot have a tomato garden for fall and winter. And I won't be able to start my season until some time in mid to late March. What to do ?

Surprise ! I detected a tiny tomato seedling next to a concrete block, around a small bed near the house next to the weeds.. The previous owner/resident must have had a tomato plant there. Yeah, there was a big clay pot there full of soil/potting mix with dead roots in it.

That was about a month ago. I dug that poor volunteer and potted in a 2 gallon pot ....

picture above dated November 13. But probably I potted it few days earlier.

I did not even have any potting soil or fertilizer. I used that old potting mix and added some composted horse manure that I found in the pasture. ( A horse named Cache used to graze there. lol). Just recently I bough Alaska Fish fert (5-1-1) and two days ago I bought a can of MG 24-8-16 blue water soluble.

Back to subject. I kept the seeding outside during the days and brought it inside at nights. I had to. We have had 5 nights of frost and freeze so far.

This picture was taken on November 29. it had already developed roots and growing Nicely.

I took this picture yesterday 12-6-16. It is very stocky plant now, not a seedling anymore. Its stem is as thick as the pencil next to it.


It is forking out and I think there a bud or truss growing. If that happens to be true, we should have a ripe tomato in about 50 days from now. ( end of January). What kind of tomato ? Hmm. We don't know. It is a mystery. I like mysteries.

It is no more than 6.5 inches tall with about 8 or 9 leaves.

I call this "My Winter Garden ".lol. In my newly prepared garden I have some garlic and mustard green just for the heck of it.

I will keep you posted.Stay tuned !


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