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Germinating seeds (various)

7 years ago

Hi, I would be most grateful for any advice re. some seeds I am trying to germinate. I have a variety of seeds, Psitsassy, Cordyline Australis, Musa Velutina, Trachycarpus Fortunei, Yucca Rostrata, Gentiana Acaulis etc. I purchased most of them online, mostly Ebay. I've soaked all the seeds for 24 hours or more and have placed the majority in peat pellets and the rest between damp tissue. I am trying to germinate in a heated propogator with average temp of 75-80f, no light. Unfortuntely I seem to be having no success at all. Even the seeds in tissue show no signs of germination, looks like the Yucca has rotted in the pellet as it's mouldy on top. It's pretty humid inside the propogator but thought the humidity and heat would be ideal for these kind of seeds. Maybe I'm being to impatient but expected some signs of germination after just over a week. As a complete beginner am I being to ambitious with the type of seeds im using, should I take the lid off the propogator? I have an led grow panel fitted above it that was intended for the seedling stage, maybe start switching that on for a few hours a day... Are peat pellets okay for germination, just giving them a fine spray to keep moist and letting them soak up the water from the bottom but they do retain a lot of water. I can provide some photos if that may help. Thank you.

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