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Trees disinfected + pics...

I took out the four trees in my son's room outside yesterday and disinfected them today. We have had two warm days with intermittent rain, so they should be happy. I also decided to take out all but the guava out of my kitchen area because those were the ones that had mites. I saw some suspicious webs on a few in the other room and took them out just to be cautious. I sprayed all of them today with a mixture of HO, neem, rosemary oil, pro-tekt, and FP...quite a concoction! I was pleasantly surprised that a few had blooms I had not noticed. I took they are!

Alexander looking as handsome as always. He has shed a few old leaves inside, but is growing everywhere and blooming.
One of my hungry bees found his blossoms!
baboon lemon...tough as nails..has not shed one leaf indoors - yet ;-)
a few of his tiny lemons
Chinotto sour orange...I had not even realize she had blossoms!
Navel orange with tiny blossoms
Buds on another meyer
and fruitlets
Rangpur lime with blossoms

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