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Growing Citrus in an Inorganic Substrate

8 years ago

I currently have 11 citrus and 1 fig tree in 5-1-1 mix, but
I’m starting an experiment to see if I can grow a citrus tree in an entirely
inorganic substrate for several reasons: 1) I don’t have the space or want to
deal with mixing more 5-1-1 or gritty mix; and 2) I want to be able to use the
same mix over again when I repot since it’s difficult for me to dispose of the
old mixes.

There are three premixed options I learned about on the
Container Forum. They are Vulkasol, VulkaFlor and Lechuza. I chose Lechuza PON. It’s the most expensive, but it’s the only one available in the U.S.

All my other trees are fed with Jack’s Professional 25-5-15 w/ trace elements. However, Lechuza PON comes coated with a slow-release 15-11-14+2+ME fertilizer. It’s supposed to last for up to 6 months. Will the included fertilizer cause issues since trees shouldn't be fertilized when repotted? Should I add additional fertilizer after a few weeks?

The tree will be placed inside under a 1000w MH light with
the rest of my trees during the fall/winter. I'll post a picture this weekend or early next week after I repot the tree.

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