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American Pillar thuja arbs

8 years ago

I recently re-potted a couple hundred of these small trees, around six weeks ago. They seemed to have been doing fine, but now they all started turning yellow, and some even brown on me like you can see in the pictures. Any ideas as to what it may be? I originally thought it was a lack of water, even though I was watering about twice a week I thought maybe they needed a more thorough soaking at each watering. But now I'm considering that it is fertilizer burn. I used 3 parts Scott's container mix and one part perlite, and about three weeks later I added a drop of 12-12-12 slow release fertilizer, a little less than half the recommended amount, about a quarter teaspoon each, plus the soil supposedly has some fertilizer in it. Maybe it was too much for the little guys? Any help would be appreciated, as I will be quite upset if I lose so many trees. Meanwhile the ones that look the worst I moved out of the sun. Now what?

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