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7 years ago

Children know when they are being sold a sanitised version of the world, and I think that's a betrayal of the relationship between author and reader.
Morris Gleitzman

I like to write stories where young people have a strong feeling about something being fair or unfair, right or wrong, cruel or kind, and they act on the basis of that - often in the face of the prevailing limits of behaviour.
Morris Gleitzman

My capacity for humour may have come largely from my father - he liked to entertain people, make people laugh.
Morris Gleitzman

When I did finally live in the Dandenongs, the mountain ash forests became an important part of my life.
Morris Gleitzman

It's our potential for good stuff I'm most interested in exploring, but that has most meaning when juxtaposed with things that can go wrong.
Morris Gleitzman

Children have limited power to shape their own lives, but when they can experiment with possibilities through books, their optimism can be recharged and kept alive.
Morris Gleitzman

I like the idea of young readers using my stories as a sort of moral gym, where they can flex and develop their newly developed moral muscle.
Morris Gleitzman

I think, to be a successful author, you've got to be part recluse and part show-off.
Morris Gleitzman

I discovered you can get closer to a character's thoughts and feelings in a book than in a film.
Morris Gleitzman

I would never write stories with only despair and defeat and the dark side of life.
Morris Gleitzman

Melbourne is my type of city, much more so than Sydney.
Morris Gleitzman

Because kids are physically smaller, there's an assumption by people who haven't read a kids' book for a long time that their ideas and themes and problems and ambitions must be commensurately smaller and less important. I would venture that sometimes the opposite is true.
Morris Gleitzman

I think the best writers use the language they use every day when they talk to friends. When we talk to each other, we tend to talk in short grabs rather than in long flowing sentences. I think that's not a bad way to write.
Morris Gleitzman

I prefer watching people on a screen, and I've had the most pleasurable people-watching experiences at the Palace Cinema in Balwyn.
Morris Gleitzman

I've always been aware that to be named after someone from the past carries with it all kinds of bittersweetness.
Morris Gleitzman

If we get caught up in a story, it's because we've started to care about the characters, and that can only happen if we've moved beneath the surface.
Morris Gleitzman

Kid's culture is often dismissed as superficial, like high fibre McDonald's, but it's so much more important than that.
Morris Gleitzman

Stories can bring alive the moral universe in a very vivid, useful, engaging way.
Morris Gleitzman

Although my stories are all very different on the surface, I like to write stories about characters struggling with big problems. I'm always reminded, no matter how different from me one of my characters is from me on the surface, how we're all pretty much the same underneath.
Morris Gleitzman

At around nine or 10 years of age, young people start to decide for themselves what's moral or not, and that's why I like writing for that age group so much.
Morris Gleitzman

Because of my poor writing posture, I started walking in the forest every day, and I found it a potent place to be creatively. It changed me in that it was a new way of doing my creative process, and I realised how much I liked being among tall trees.
Morris Gleitzman

Boys, particularly, like stories where they can have images in their imagination, where they can go to scary places and experiment with what can happen.
Morris Gleitzman

Halfway through primary school, I realised that I was not as physically strong or fearless as many kids. So, in situations of conflict, I quickly learned that it worked better for me to get out of situations or maybe kind of, you know, prevail in a conflict situation by using humour than by trying to punch somebody out.
Morris Gleitzman

I think probably you can either write for kids, or you can't. That ability to imaginatively be a child and see the world as a child and feel and think like a child - you either have that ability or you don't.
Morris Gleitzman

I used to get stuck trying to find the first sentence of a story, then I realised that it was often because I didn't know what problem a character was facing in the story. As soon as I did, I could have the character trying to do something about it or have the problem whack him between the eyes.
Morris Gleitzman

I want to help children develop strengths that allow them to feel they don't have to push things away mentally... If we 'cotton-ball' kids, it produces adults who are too scared to think for themselves and are easily manipulated.
Morris Gleitzman

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