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Orchid Newbie Making Sure I'm Doing This Right...

Samantha Prince
7 years ago


I received a phalaenopsis orchid as a gift after planning a non-profit event about six months ago. After it bloomed and lost its leaves, I did a bit of research and cut back my browning stems (too little watering on my part!), and it has since been happily growing new leaves and roots, but no sign of a new stem for new blooms...

Some of my existing roots were browning, so I re-potted it a few weeks ago and cut those back, but some are browning at the base of the plant and fine (I think?) other than that. Do I cut those back too? Since re-potting, the new roots are continuing to grow in splendidly, but I just want to ensure I am doing everything I can to help it grow new blooms in the future.

I give fertilizer "weakly, weekly" and supplement with ice cubes for watering. It is in a North facing window in my office in Southern California where it probably does not get cold enough, but I try to simulate that with the ice water.
I appreciate your advice in advance!

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