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Multiflora Rootstock and Alkaline Soil ??

The time for me to take the plunge and purchase Ascot on Multiflora rootstock or accept that I will never have this rose in my garden has almost arrived. I have coveted Ascot, particularly Diane's, for about 3 years. I have allotted ample space and a prime location for this rose, but am concerned about multiflora rootstock and alkaline soil. My pH is in the 7.6 - 7.8 range. Having this rose, I believe, will require a purchase of 3 from the source ( I think there is a 3 rose minimum at Palatine??). I am willing to find 2 other roses, just to get Ascot. I do not feel at this point, having additional roses, that would likely take up space reserved for something rare or special, would be worth their purchase if I do not have an Ascot. Please talk me in or if appropriate, out of this purchase.


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