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Critter Digging in Corn Bed

Bad News - Some critter has
started digging in my two corn beds. I can't figure this out. The
old bed was completely harvested. The new bed just started to tassel.
Whatever it was dug the dirt up all around the stalks. Looked like
someone had run a rototiller between the stalks. Most of the stalks are
lying on the ground. The critter must have been looking for worms or
something under the soil. They did not try to damage the actual stalks
other than uprooting and causing them to fall over. Now I have to decide
whether to try to straighten them up. I see tassels but no ears forming
so it may be a waste of time. It has also been digging around the outside edge only of all my other raised beds. So what critter digs in the dirt only around the corn stalks and how to get rid of it.

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