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Semi permanent hair dye , any suggestions?

Lyban zone 4
7 years ago

I have completely white hair. I started to go white at an early age just like my mom did.

When I was about 32 my hair was completely salt and pepper. Thankfully back then that was a very popular look so I was fine. By early 40's I was completely white and dyed my hair for about 15 years. Then at about 55 I decided to just embrace the white and I was quite happy for many years of this.

i am now just turned 70 and lately the white hair is bothering me, I would like to try something semi permanent to see what I think.

Has anyone here put a semi permanent dye on white hair and if so what brand and what were your results.

because my short hair is so straight and limp, what I really want is the body you can get with dying your hair. I thought maybe something very whitish blond so there is not such a drastic change. I would not even mind a white, but I do not think there is such a thing , I cannot seem to find any white or silver colors in drug store brands.

any advice appreciated.

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