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Agave Striata blooms and failed blooms

Well, Here I am again. and a here are my blooming Agave striatas again . Just so you can go and see them when they first "snaked out their blooms" here is the link to that.

Now they are in bloom.

It is getting dry here. We have had no rain since the 4" on Memorial weekend unless you count the .04" a month ago. and all the almost 100F days. It could be worse. I don't water. Don't worry, they will just pup and pup and the clump will live on.

This A. striata var falcata (very different) bloomed its first bloom and the bloom failed, darn it. BUT it too is meristem pupping so the clump will grow on. This one is dangerous to weed around.

See the pupping at the base?

I can't wait for this one to bloom if it too will pup. The mom pupped. It is a Agave striata 'Live Wires'

And it gets gracefully animated in it's lean for the sun. beautiful sunburn. I have two more small ones and I am looking for more of this kind It is hardy to around 10F and is moisture tolerant with the kind of moisture we can get here on my limestone hill along with the cold.

Anyone else out there growing Agave striatas? I see so few of them in the stores and they are very practical for my area.

