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Polling---1-Shave Head Now v Wait and 2-Wig v Headwrap w or w/o Hat

Have already lost 3/4 of my hair anyway prior to c diagnosis--heard that can happen. Styled so its actually not too noticeable for the moment.

1--Shave head Now or Wait?

2--To Wig or Headwrap with or without hat, that is the (second) question. headshape is good and I gave serious thought to shaving my head in the 80s/90s but for working corporate there went does seem that baldness will be my future hair-no-style so why not welcome it early ie leave the angst behind (because I still have fond though rapidly receding memories of former rather "good" hair) stepmom and I had so much fun with wigs in the early 70s it would be a hoot to revisit...I do so love wearing a funky hat...wigs/wraps/hats can be removed PDQ as overheating has been a lifelong issue for moi (yes, docs did all the tests years ago)____The only con that comes to mind is that it could invite a lot of stares/questions and I have a lifelong dislike of being looked at and do not want to answer strangers questions or have their pity. People are strange/rude enough these days. That seems to come with our times.

All thoughts and opinions and experiences will be really valued!

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