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New to gardening, knockout roses have every bug

7 years ago

Hi all,

I'm a newbie and planted 2 knockout roses last fall in my garden. They have suffered severe damage this spring and I am wondering if there is something I can do (or need to do) to help them. I can live with a little bit of unsightly leaves for a while, but I want to ensure that the plants survive and thrive. I have done some searches on garden web and have some ideas but I think I have multiple issues. After looking at the plants, they seem to have EVERY kind of bug I can think of on them. Is there one that's worse for them than another? Should I treat them with something to deal with the most damaging? Are some of these bugs predators of others? Many buds are forming and blooming just fine as of now.

First the damage:

Leaves at bottom of the plant are totally eaten

Even new growth today is starting to get it (there's an ant on there too!)

This bud looks black, while most of the other buds seem ok.

Now, the wildlife:

Below are very hard to see - but they are small and white. My camera can't really focus on something this small.

Little green guys gnawing on the new growth!

Looks like a rose slug. I don't see a lot of these, but my searches suggest they are responsible for the bulk of the skeletal leaves.

Yellow guy

Flying black insect on middle left. There were a few of these hovering about.

Also saw a small daddy long legs in the middle of the bush and a tiny spider web on one small part of the same bush.

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