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Baby shower!

robo (z6a)
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

I think I will be hosting a baby shower in the next month for my sister. I know typically a friend would do it but she has only recently moved back to our city (actually living with me now as she house hunts) and doesn't have any close friends here. The shower attendees will mostly be family.

I generally know how these things go but am wondering if you have any tips, tricks, favorite decor ideas, recipes or ideas for fun activities that aren't super boring or embarrassing. Basically - would you like to plan my party for me? :)

She does not know the baby's sex and she has not yet registered although I could probably talk her into registering. But our extended family isn't well off so the shower really will be more about the family celebration and less about the gifts.

This idea for a shower just came to me now as I was thinking of buying her an organic crib mattress as a present. Gee whiz those things are pricey! Then I realized typically there's an occasion where people give these kinds of presents!

Here we are both delirious with fatigue and tacos at the taco party. Robo-niece or nephew is due end of August!

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