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Newly planted peony with a bud: should I cut it off?

linnea56 (zone 5b Chicago)
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

I planted a Snow Mountain
this year, purchased bare root at a garden fair in mid April. It had several
good eyes and was a big root.

I bought it to replace another Snow Mountain I bought from the same
vendor 2 years ago. I had originally bought a pair. One died the first winter.
I wanted to replace it with the exact same variety, as I have a symmetrical

It took off immediately and is now a foot tall. To my
surprise, it has one bud. For the sake of the plant’s survival and healthy
establishment, should I cut off the bud?

I confess I am curious to see what color it will be. Because
the remaining one of the 2 original “Snow Mountain” has a completely different
leaf color. That is a plain green with no red flush. The surviving original one,
planted in 2014, has not bloomed to this
date. It is currently 18” tall. But it was a small plant to begin with, the
vendor sold smaller plants at half price.

Whereas my other peonies all have a red tinge to the leaves.
(Festiva Maxima and Buckeye Belle) . This new one with the bud ALSO has a red
tinge to the leaves. So I suspect that either it OR the original Snow Mountain are mislabeled.

If it is NOT pure white, but pink or some such color, I will
move it. Everything in this bed is white, red, or white + red. Not right away, whenever is the healthiest time to move it.

Thanks for your help.

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