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It must be officially spring...

Lots of people go by robins, but I disagree. They can be found year round. No, we need something a little more reliable....

Driving out to where we are putting up some new fencing at work today, I suddenly saw a flash of black and white. I thought it was just another magpie, but it much smaller, had a short, square tail tail, and the pattern was different. So what was it?! Well...

Migrating north in late spring through early summer, Colorado's State bird, the lark bunting, has arrived to mate and raise their young on the States eastern plains.

I also saw a burrowing owl a couple weeks ago and the lady who keeps track of these things has put out several flags marking their nest holes (so we don't run over them with tractors by accident).

This weekend at the house we had a dark headed grosbeak which I got some great pictures of), mom saw a western tanager, and I have heard the hummingbirds zipping around a couple times. So, the true migrators are here, so, it must really be springtime eh?!

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