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First outdoor gardening, looking for tips and ideas

8 years ago

I am going to start a garden for vegetables. I haven't chosen what vegetables yet. Asparagus is at the top of my list. I live in Wisconsin where apparently March-April is the best time for many vegetable seeds to be planted after the last frost. Currently it looks as if we are just about over the the 32F weather lows. I am determining the best location for my garden. I have wire fencing to keep pests and rabbits out. I plan to make the garden atleast 15' x 20', if not larger. I would like to create enough crops to last an entire year for 3 people. The location I am looking at using is right on the edge of a wooded area but where there is sun light. I do not know if the soil would be good for vegetables. The soil is moist and full of broken down plant matter from years of trees and bushes that were cleared from the area. It is at the top of an incline also. We have naturally growing ginseng in the wooded area just behind where I plan to put the garden (I stay clear of the Ginseng until I fully understand about harvesting it). The reason why I chose this area is because the soil is apparently good enough for natural Ginseng to grow. There are multiple pine trees in the surrounding area but a large open view for sunlight. 20 or 30 feet away from the garden is a corn field. I am not sure if that fertilizer would bleed in to my garden soil or not. We also have an airplane that swoops over the cornfield across the road spraying chemicals (hopefully not Round-Up but I'm sure that neighbor uses Round-Up corn seed). I have access to cow dung if that is perhaps ideal for natural fertilizer. I am having stomach problems that affect my daily life so I am trying to eat less acidic foods and meats and heading for a more organic approach to aid in my digestion. I am a 32 year old male and planting a garden is something out of my typical realm of skills. Although I did have experience at about 14 years old working at a plant conservatory, those skills are long lost.

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