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The Brown June Bugs/May Beetles Are Out Already

I kinda wish March would act like March. Instead it is acting like April. Or May. At our house in south-central OK, the brown scarab beetles are out and swarming around the porch lights. Down here they are commonly referred to as June bugs, though we almost always see them in April or May. Some folks in OK call them May beetles to distinguish them from the green June bugs. I cannot believe they are out in March. I have seen them in April before (which, at that time, seemed incredibly early) , and one year when we warmed up early, we might have seen them in March, but calling them March bugs just sounds silly, so Tim and I keep calling them June bugs. I hope this isn't a sign of what sort of spring it is going to be. It's never good in summer when spring gets too hot too fast.

Tomorrow I'll mix up a batch of alfalfa tea or compost tea, put it in a 5-gallon bucket and leave it on the ground underneath the outdoor security light. They are, for whatever reason, attracted to this stuff and land in the bucket and drown. Some days you get a few in there, other days there's dozens or hundreds.

This is just one more thing that is happening early far too often in the last few years.

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