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are you happy with your hardwood floors? 5 yrs...10 yrs..longterm?

Megan Binsfeld
8 years ago

I have to make a decision on my hardwood floors today, and have been going with the engineered floors vs real wood this entire time. I like the wire brushed, wide plank, dark oak floor look, and have selected a Shaw product, but the reviews aren't the best. In fact, there are a lot of negative reviews in general for engineered floors. Its hard to find positive reviews! So I'd like to hear from anyone who has hardwood floors, and if you are happy with them, and what kind you have? If you have dark oak stained floors, I'm very interested to hear your feedback. I have 4 kids and a dog, so high resistance to scratching and low maintenance are important to me. One other note, I'm also concerned with the off-gassing, which is another reason why I like the engineered products a little better. Please comment!! thank you!!!!

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