Windows 10, Love it or Leave it?
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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WINDOWS---10' Ceilings
Comments (22)The computer drawings were scanned at too small a size and the linework used to show materials is too thick so it all runs together when posted to the forum. I am concerned with the way masonry veneer is used at the bottom of the exterior wall and above the entrance. The masonry veneer stops higher than the window sills which creates a collection of details that I would try very hard to avoid even if I thought it looked good. The masonry over the entrance should sit on top of a masonry wall below; masonry should never sit over a wood beam. All the giant hipped roofs make me uncomfortable too. If you have read my other posts you will know that I think combining the English/Tudor front facing gable tradition with the French steep hipped roof tradition destroys the simple charm and architectural integrity of both styles. Too many traditions and styles makes a muddled design in my opinion. I suspect this idea originated with developers who were not aware of the origin or importance of these ideas and were simply trying to marry their ever popular multi-gabled front facades with a roof that reduced the amount of unused second floor space in regions that do not like to use that space for bedrooms....See MoreNew Windows 10 laptop with Windows 7 OS
Comments (18)Thanks everyone. mikie, that sounds a little complex. If necessary, I'll try it, though. An update... last night after posting here, I decided to try to get those Windows updates redone and out of 'stall' mode. So, what happened was the latest version of Windows 10 updated - it was a long one, took about an hour. After that, my computer is working like I think it should as far as speed with no lags. I haven't used it enough to see if that "HD Intel Graphics Display driver has stopped working and has recovered" popup happens again. So far it hasn't. While doing the Windows 10 update, I could see it was installing new drivers for quite some time, so I'm hoping that will resolve the issue. If not, it looks like I'll have to return it because it's really annoying to continually see this popup whenever I try to navigate the internet. I'll post back to report what happens. Thanks to you all for your help....See More8x8 or 8x10 sliding door with narrow stiles and 8x8 picture window
Comments (4)At 8' by 8', the frame becomes less of a visibility issue give the expansiveness of the glass. At that size, most manufacturers are going to know where their windows/doors can live comfortably. I am not sure that you will find something with that minimalist frame that also meets the minimalist cost range. Here is an 8' by 8' sliding glass door in an Okna 8800 series slider frame. This SGD has what is considered a "French" rail on it so it runs on the thicker side of those that are out there....See MoreI hate Windows 10
Comments (23)For those of you still having problems getting used to windows 10, if you put the classic shell on, you will find yourself getting used to the new operating system a lot less frustrating. A lot of things will look like your old XP or windows 7. The basic operation of windows 10, gets better with classic shell, and gives you time to figure out other things. My XP sits next to my Windows 10, and my Vista sits on the other side of XP. All three look pretty much alike for basic day to day things, with the classic shell on the windows 10.. My biggest pet peeve is that no matter when I set windows 10 to update, it updates when microsoft decides it should, and not at my convenience. Other than that, it is a very good operating system. I also hated the mail program, and dug around online for a better one. I found one that is almost exactly like my favorite outlook express. It is called oe classic, and is almost a replica of OE. I also didnt like the options for playing music, but, found out, that my very favorite long time music player Winamp, now makes a version for Windows 10, and that does an excellent job. Right now, looking at my windows 10 alongside my old and trusty XP, they look and perform pretty much the same....See More- 8 years agolast modified: 8 years ago
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racetowinOriginal Author