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New to citrus and would love some advice

8 years ago

I grow mostly hoyas and orchids (over 300 hoyas and approaching 150 orchids) so I have a nice setup.

I just acquired a dwarf Moro blood orange and am expecting a dwarf Persian and a dwarf Hirado Pummelo from Harris Nursery (a Valentine's gift from the hubby) .

I plan to keep them containerized, in a 80F day temp, 60F night temp room, under a five foot, 4 bulb LED retrofiited T8 (bulbs are 6500k daylight LEDs, size of T8...if that makes sense...electrical things are not my forte) shop light fixture. I plan to move them outside in the spring, when night temps reach, and stay at, 55F.

My questions:

*Is a mix of orchiata bark (1/4 inch), perlite (screened to 1/4-5/8 inch), 1/4 inch coconut coir chunks, and 1/4 inch chunks of shredded New Zealand sphagnum moss, all mixed at equal ratio an acceptable potting medium? Or should I use a different mix, perhaps one with more water retentive properties, but still fast draining?

*I have Foliage it an acceptable foliar feeder for citrus? Does citrus need/benefit from foliar feeding?

*A good NPK ratio for fertilizer for citrus? What micronutrients should be supplied and at what %?

*Read somewhere about dolomitic it a necessity? If so, how much, when, and how? Amend it in? Water it through? Weekly? Monthly?

*I assume acclimation will be necessary. Should I start by 2 weeks in shade, 2 weeks in bright, but indirect sun, followed by full sun? And reverse when bringing them in for winter?

Thanks in advance, everyone!

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