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Yucca Rostrata Problem

Josh Romain
8 years ago


I live in San Antonio and have two Yucca Rostratas that I planted in my front yard at the advice of a landscaper, and now seem to be doing quite poorly. They are planted in gardening soil I got from a landscape supply place, and receive maybe 2 hours of light afternoon sun during the winter months. I have not been supplying with supplemental water, but after reading about ideal growing conditions, I suspect that they are somehow receiving too much water (maybe from less than adequate drainage) along with less than ideal sunlight.

The leaves have been yellowing/wilting and just today I noticed that the interior/crown of the plant has brown discoloration, is very mobile and leaves are removable with minimal pulling. Is the plant salvagable, and if so, what should I do to save it? The trunks remain very woody without any sponginess or softness at the base.


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