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Poor tile/grout job? Advice please for dark grout

9 years ago

We are doing a bath remodel, snow white subway tile walls with a dark grout. You can see in the photos that the tiles in the right corner are not lined up nicely, leaving the corner looking very messy. The left corner is lined up much better. Does the corner grout line appear too thick? I know in the photos it is still a little wet in the corners and so appears darker.

My contractor says if we had just chose white grout (like "everyone else") then none of this would be noticeable. The poor line up in the corner he says has to do with the custom size of the shower, not sized appropriately for the tile size.

SO- tile has now been torn out and is currently being reinstalled. I am sticking with grey grout.

My question is, should we use a white grout or caulk down the corners to keep everything looking 'clean'? We will be using while caulk around the soap dishes for the re-do, you can see how thick grey grout is there.

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