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Sister doesn't respect anyone's time...

9 years ago

Hi, all...

My youngest sister lives an hour south of my mom and me. She is never available to come up and assist with mom. She is unable or unwilling to commit to a time and date for anything, including holiday celebrations. This makes trying to plan a holiday pretty much impossible.

I am in the process of getting a divorce, so I'm not the cheeriest this season. I took mom to her side of the family's celebration yesterday. It was lengthy and painful for this introvert, as her family is HUGE. On the way home, mom informed me that baby sister and her family were coming up today to celebrate with her hub's family and that baby sister said she would be dropping by mom's place "sometime" today. Mom told me she'd call me when sis and her fam get there.

After years of this, and stewing in anger over her lack of respect for anyone's time, I'm done. Mom might be okay with being held hostage in her home just waiting for sister to arrive, but I'm not. To me, it's about as rude as you can get.

Do any of you have any input or experience with this sort of thing? I've spoken with my sister many times before concerning this.

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