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Are there any 100% cotton women's jeans out there?

9 years ago

It seems that all the ones available are blends of cotton, polyester and spandex. I didn't mind the addition of a small bit of spandex but it seems they really have gone overboard with the polyester. Yesterday I saw some that were 63% cotton, 35% poly, 2% spandex. I know "skinny" jeans are the fashion right now. Which is OK if you're size 1 and 20 something, not if you are size 16/18 60 something.

I have noticed on my older jeans, that are work jeans now, that they use to range from 88%-98% cotton. Then they gradually decreased the amount of cotton to 72-82%. I hate the ones with lots of poly because they stretch out and become baggy after wearing them twice. And they don't last as long but wear out and become "thin" sooner.

And the price just keeps going up. I refuse to pay ridiculous amounts for jeans. I saw a Black Friday ad, 2 for the price of one, so you got 2 for $200 instead of just one. What a deal!

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