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Estate Sales

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

For some reason I like going to estate sales more than garage sales. My daughter was needing a new dresser and I happened to go to one and got her a really nice dresser, but then I learned that I lucked out. Today I went to one and everyone was carrying stuff out, to me that means good things are coming. I bought a heavy duty cutting board that was barely used, two stainless steel and wooden spoons, and some cupcake papers and spent a total of $4.50. I went to another one and no one was carrying stuff out and I didn't find a thing in there. Sometimes I feel that I don't really know all the information there is to know about estate sales. Usually the first day you pay full price and then they lower the price each day. Sometimes it feels as if someone has put two estates together. It's hard to imagine that a living room can be completely filled with glass dishes and it only be one person's belongings. I'll post a pic after supper is done. Do yo like estate sales?

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