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Portulacaria afra questions for a newbie

I got two Portulacaria afra a few days ago. Please see attached photo. The brown pot from Sept. 8 had two pieces in it, smaller compared to the one in the black pot the black pot which is only one plant with two separated stems.

I repotted them on Sept 10, because the soil was not sandy enough. Th soil mix i used on Sept. 10 was 1 part garden soil, 1 part sand and gravel. But i repotted them again today with this mix: 1 part garden soil, 2 parts sand and gravel.

The current soil mix is more fast-draining compared to the previous one. But i have noticed that the leaves are a bit wrinkly. The stems near the roots are strong and hard, almost like wood. No root rot, no squishy stem.

these plants are placed outdoors and they get the morning sunlight (place in the east part), and the afternoon sun but not directly (south east). On the east part, there are lots of tall plants and trees which give a bit of shade to my plants. In the afternoon, my plants also get a bit of shade. So far, the leaves have not sunburnt. I have noticed that the leaves have wrinkled a bit. When i gently squeeze the leaves, it is a bit soft but not mushy. Some leaves got detached because of the repotting, and i guess i just wasnt gentle with it.

From the looks of my plants, do they look ok? Or is there something i am doing wrong?

Is red stem in my plants a good sign? Do you think i overwatered my plants? Or is it underwatered?

My location is Philippines. We haven't had rain ever since i got my plants.

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