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'Julia Child'... and I'm an idiot...

8 years ago

...this is a little rant..sorry... at my expense...

I've long since admired Diane's [Nanadoll] rose of this name, and wanted one myself, thinking it was not available over here.... Diane did post a reply to me on an earlier thread this year, telling me that it was sold here as 'Absolutely Fabulous'.... of course I missed that post [sorry again].... and just happened to find it whilst perusing old threads recently....

...I frequently access Beales website, and what do I see on their first page...? 'Absolutely Fabulous'.... of course, not realising, I thought this was just another floribunda...

...did I check HMF?... no... did I check Google?.... no...

my local rose nursery has one called 'Absolutely Fabulous'... I was there just the other day... did I see it?... probably.... did I know it was 'Julia Child'?... no...

...there are several rose fields near where I live, just around the corner in fact, and one has been used for roses by C and K Jones.... and I often saw a long row of this gorgeous yellow rose as we drove past.... now I find out that C and K Jones are the UK agents for Weeks roses [Tom Carruth]... so no doubt that beautiful yellow rose was......... 'Julia Child'...

...I'm slowly catching up....

..... it will be winging its way to me this winter....bare root....

...what I am slightly peeved by is this changing of names from one country to another... I don't agree with it, and it just confuses me completely..... I shall be calling my rose 'Julia Child'.. as the t.v. sitcom it's named after here, I really couldn't stand anyway...

...have a nice day....thanks...

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