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Milkweed Plants Are Covered in Aphids

I planted Swamp and Tropical Milkweed in my new Butterfly Garden. The plants grew great. They are bushy, with many side shoots and some are over 4' tall. They began flowering in July.

Shortly after flowering, gold aphids began to appear. In all my years of gardening, I have never worried about aphids. Nature usually took care of them. Not these gold guys! I began crushing them with my fingers and spraying them off with the hose. Soon, my plants were almost completely covered.

Although the plants look reasonably healthy, growth has slowed and they are no longer producing flowers. I tried an organic oil spray with limited results. In desperation, I sprayed with vegetable garden insecticide which killed the vast majority. Of course, I don't want to repeat this process, but the survivors will quickly reproduce and overwhelm the plants again.

Any advice or suggestions?



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