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Advice for Caring for Silver King Sempervivum

My Silver King Sempervivum looked like this before I began sticking it outside in the sun

Once it began spending most of the day in the sun, it gained a redish-purple color. Most of the time, the Silver King was placed facing south until I heard the sun's rays are quite harsh on South-facing things and I alternated by moving the Silver King to where it was facing north instead.

For a few days, the temperatures were in the 90's and after that the Silver King began looking like this (note: this was while the Silver King was south-facing)

As of last night, the Silver King looked/s like this:

(The photo below is with a higher light setting on the camera)

One of the leaves had dried up and I was easily able to pull it off

Any suggestions as to what may be causing it and what action/s I should take?

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