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need help with my mini moth orchid

Samad Agha
8 years ago

hey i wanted some advice on my newly acquired mini moth orchids that a friend of mine got for me from england. the plant had a total of 7 flowers fully bloomed and one green bud. i know the travelling had stressed out the plant so as soon as i got it i inspected it for root rot. it seemed fine to me but now im worried since the only bud just fell off during the night. i placed the orchid near my window which does not receive direct light. then i read somewhere that the fans wind can also disturb it so i placed it in my washroom which again receives indirect light. i mist it with mineral water every alternate day and i water it when i feel there is little dampness left in the potting material. now there are 4 flowers left and no bud. it has been a week since it arrived in pakistan which is mainly a hot and humid country

. the orchid flowers are also developing brown marks on them and the bottom small leaf of the plant is also turning white at the tip. so my question would be is the plant healthy or sick. and if it is sick then how can i help it out using homemade remedies and no commercial stuff.

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