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Fire Season Looms. What are you doing to Prevent Fire?

It was our choice to purchase a home on the edge of wilderness, and we know chances of fire are high. We are even subject to an annual state fire bill to pay for fighting fires in this area.

There hasn't been a fire here on this ridge or in the ravine for many years, but neighbors say fire has threatened.

Here is what we have done.

We hire an annual crew to clean out the native brush 30 feet surrounding our property on the wilderness side of the fence.

In November we will take starts from our succulents and try to get them started with the winter rains.

We have hired an irrigation dude to put rain-bird sprinklers on top of our chain link fence that will face out to the wilderness and will only be turned on if fire threatens. That project starts at the end of this month. Our neighbor installed sprinklers on his roof.

We love to picnic in this special pine grove below our home. You can see the fence and the wilderness beyond it. Sprinklers will be on top of the fence. We may install some on our roof too. Our decks are all wood.

Our fire pit is propane, so no sparks.

What will or do you do if you are in a high fire area?

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