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Carpeting only on the stairs- Why just the stairs?

9 years ago

I'll see homes that have all hardwood or something that tries to mimic hardwood on both the lower story and upper story but then they'll do carpets on the stairs and only the stairs.

Is it just me or does it strike anybody else a bit strange to just carpet only the stairs? If you're going to go for the wood look everywhere else, then why not also do wood for the stairs too?

Any special reason why you should still keep carpeting for the stairs?

I just saw one house where the owner must own a tile factory or something- everything was tiled and I mean everything with the exception of the stairs, which was carpeted.

The bedrooms upstairs were tiled and the bathrooms were tiled too. But, it wasn't just the bathroom flooring that was tiled. They used the same flooring tile in the bathroom as the shower tile, on top of the vanity, and on the walls.

But, the stairs and only the stairs were carpeted.

I'm looking at flooring right now and was going to rip out the carpeting on the stairs, but now I'm wondering if I should keep it too.

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