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Zucchini in a 5 gallon container: female flowers drying up!

9 years ago

I am gardening for the first time ever literally had no previous knowledge of gardening.

I read that you can grow zucchini in containers and most people seemed to think that 5 gallon containers would support the zucchini. I direct sowed two zucchini plants one in a five galon bucket with low nutrient garden mix and another in a larger half wine barrel the one in the wine barrel is flourishing and producing allot of zucchini. But, the zucchini plant in the five galon bucket keeps loosing its female flowers the male flowers are thriving still. The female flowers get almost to the size of a pen cap and then the flower portion looks like it's turning yellow but then the rest of the flower including the small zucchini turn yellow then brown then die. It's not pollination problems I am doing that by hand on the other. This seems to be a problem of the plant not being large enough to support the zucchini but I think that's because it might be out of room! Is there any way to transplant this squash to a larger area. Could it possibly just be lack of nutrients I havnt fertilized and the plants are around 45 days old. But like I said the other plant is thriving with more space. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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