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Diseased drift roses. Please help.

A. Newfool
9 years ago

I removed six unhappy Azaleas and replaced them with drift roses (sweet and peach) this Spring. For the first six weeks things looked great, they flushed out quickly and all but one started blooming heavily; even the slow poke had a few blooms. Now everyone looks like this:

The white film is Captain Jack's Deadbug dust as I'm on borrowed time in my bug heaven of a yard.

These are the first roses I'm growing (along with a sorry New Dawn that I got on sale chock full of blackspot, it's in it's own bed on the other side of the house... 'nother thread). I'm not sure what went wrong although I did water them in the afternoon - twice.

I've been spraying all of them with Bayer Advanced every other week since planting and other than a few blackspot leaves I felt pretty good. I think I see new, red leaves and I don't think they're dying but I'm not looking forward to the cleanup if they have botrytis. There are lots of spotted flowers and fallen petals and it would mean removing newly installed mulch.

Are they sick? Or is this just the nature of my beasts?

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