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Privacy shrub (10-12') zone5a drought tolerant, pretty?

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

Can you help me with a privacy shrub idea that is also pretty and offers multiple-season interest? I can see this spot from my kitchen window. What I see now is my neighbor's patio!

I really want to try a Doublefile viburnum but I don't know anyone who has luck with these in my area, and I think this planting spot could get dry in the summer months because it is between two thirsty (newly planted) trees.

I also was interested in a Black Beauty Elderberry (I love a little goth) but again, the area is dry.

I have about 10-12' to work with for spread and height.

A quickfire hydrangea is going next to this area.

Zone5a, west chicago 'burbs, could be a dryer spot, full sun. Our bulder gave us lots of topsoil so I suspect I have fertile soil (the area used to be a corn farm) but it's very clay. I imagine it is slightly alkaline.

Help. I'm out of ideas.

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